Friday 27 January 2023

User Authentication with AWS Cognito with Web API Backend and Frontend Web
Part 2 - Configure CORS in Web API backend

This is the second part of the series of setting up a simple Angular frontend web app with ASP.NET Core Web API backend (.NET 5.0) using AWS Cognito as authentication provider. Users will be able to sign up, confirm sign up/verify and sign in. The backend WebAPI will be the point of contact and interaction with AWS Cognito. The frontend Angular web app will simply pass user information and then keep the Cognito Access Token passed by the backend WebAPI.

This series is divided into three parts:
  1. Set up AWS Cognito and backend Web API user functions - previous post
  2. Configure CORS in Web API backend - this post
  3. Authentication between frontend and Web API backend - next post

Since our frontend Angular app may be in different domain or at least port number in development (using localhost), we need to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in the backend Web API. There are two approaches for this, whether to allow only some methods by using a named policy or apply to all methods.

In ConfigureServices method inside Startup.cs file, to allow CORS for selected methods only, we put:
services.AddCors(options =>
	options.AddPolicy("EnableCORS", builder =>
			  builder.WithOrigins("http://localhost:4200", "https://localhost:4200")  // frontend domain(s)
				//.WithMethods("OPTIONS", "GET")

Then in Configure method, add:
. . .


. . .
Important! Make sure to put app.UseCors() code in the right order as specify in the ASP.NET Core documentation

Then on the controller methods, we add EnableCors attribute, for example:
public IEnumerable<WeatherForecast> Get()
	. . .

If we want to enable CORS for all methods, we use AddDefaultPolicy() instead AddPolicy():
services.AddCors(options =>
	options.AddDefaultPolicy(builder =>
			  builder.WithOrigins("http://localhost:4200", "https://localhost:4200")  // frontend domain(s)
				//.WithMethods("OPTIONS", "GET")
Then in Configure method, just put:

On the next post, we will configure the Authentication part in the project.

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